:: in 1.30.10 entry i said, " Making Potato Gnocchi looks easy."

Well, it is.
and so much fun when you have your Big Sister doing it with you. I just returned from a weekend in Michigan. Always wishing my trips could be longer. Friday to Tuesday is not long enough_ even if I did have an extra day because of a canceled flight.
Alli and I had two recipes we wanted to try out _ zeppoles [which, funny enough, we both tagged on our own after watching Giada] and potato gnocchi, spurred on by January's post.
Both of these were devoured within ten minutes of setting out on the table. For more details, head on over to Sincerely Sisters, a blog I share with Alli. Here you will find minute by minute details.. . ok _ maybe just some fun sisterly foodie banter.
Those look way too good to be real! Yummy! :-)