can't get enough.
there's Something about this song.. .
LOVE it.
makes me want to move to some distant foreign land and just live in a dream fantasy world. ..
2:03.. .
i think it's time to put myself to bed..
and get back to reality. unfortunately.
LOVE it.
makes me want to move to some distant foreign land and just live in a dream fantasy world. ..
2:03.. .
i think it's time to put myself to bed..
and get back to reality. unfortunately.
my infamous dreambook
the movie version
Following the King in the Land of Shiny Things from stickyJesus on Vimeo.
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As a Digital Scribe™, I publically answer “yes,” to Christ’s invitation to “Come, follow me.” I am a networker, connector, servant, activist, and passionate minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I will speak, write, post, tweet, and blog the message of eternity and add buzz to the stickiest story ever told. I will change the game in my online community in His name, for His fame."
it's all yours God
that's what the promise is for
the only way to find your life _ is to lay your life down.
we bear the light of the Son of Man.
so there's nothing left to fear. .
cause he promised not to leave
and His Promises are true
in the face of all this chaos baby, i can dance with you
so let's go dancing in the minefields
let's go sailing in the storms
... .and kicking down the doors.
this is harder than you dreamed
but that's what the promise is for.
Writing Workshop Theology
I found myself today during Writing Workshop asking questions that seemed more theological than anything else.
Some of my students were struggling with expanding their characters, after an in.depth lesson on internal and external character traits.
: even with use of a photo [and some funny stories] of this little guy
_ my nephew Aidan, whom they quickly fell in love with.
[also the little love nugget in the Lilies header]
Some questions followed after the lesson.."I don't know what else to write about my character. I don't know what he would do in this situation? and my response...
"Isn't it the Creator of the character, who knows him/her the best one to figure it out?"
I, then had to step it down a notch, [teaching in a public school] before I spoke any further.
Aren't your parents .. .the ones who made you - the people who know your in.s and out.s best?
The way you act? Your TRUE motivations behind your behavior? whether it be sneaky or for the good of others?
The lesson ended. And as a whole, the group had a concrete understanding of today's objective. Job done. But it is in moments like that when I feel as if a hand is reaching down from heaven or whispering in my ear. Messages just for me.
I found as I asked that first question a bold peace came over me _ Isn't it the Creator of all _ the Creator of little ole me who knows me the best. BEsT of anyone. the best of my family. the best of my very small group of friends. He knows my heart. He can see right into my core. my dirty, dusty corners and love me just the same.
It's funny how a simple writing task can bring me right back to where my mind should always be. thinking about my Maker.
How he knows all there is to know about me.
AND my story_
and where it's taking me next.
Some of my students were struggling with expanding their characters, after an in.depth lesson on internal and external character traits.
: even with use of a photo [and some funny stories] of this little guy
_ my nephew Aidan, whom they quickly fell in love with.
[also the little love nugget in the Lilies header]
"Isn't it the Creator of the character, who knows him/her the best one to figure it out?"
I, then had to step it down a notch, [teaching in a public school] before I spoke any further.
Aren't your parents .. .the ones who made you - the people who know your in.s and out.s best?
The way you act? Your TRUE motivations behind your behavior? whether it be sneaky or for the good of others?
The lesson ended. And as a whole, the group had a concrete understanding of today's objective. Job done. But it is in moments like that when I feel as if a hand is reaching down from heaven or whispering in my ear. Messages just for me.
I found as I asked that first question a bold peace came over me _ Isn't it the Creator of all _ the Creator of little ole me who knows me the best. BEsT of anyone. the best of my family. the best of my very small group of friends. He knows my heart. He can see right into my core. my dirty, dusty corners and love me just the same.
It's funny how a simple writing task can bring me right back to where my mind should always be. thinking about my Maker.
How he knows all there is to know about me.
AND my story_
and where it's taking me next.
In that moment
it's all yours God
lessons from the day
guess you really did it this time_
left yourself in your warpath?
lost your balance on a tight rope?
lost your mind trying to get it back?
wasn't it easier in your lunchbox days?
always a bigger bed to crawl into
wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything?
and everyone believed in you?
... .
who you are is not where you've been.. ..
who you are is not what you did.
today is never too late to be brand new.
wasn't it easier in your firefly catching days?
when everything out of reach, someone bigger brought down to you
... .before the Monsters caught up to you.
:We've been RE.made:
You are more than the choices that you've made.
Your are more than the sum of your past mistakes.
You are MORE than the problems you create. You've been REMADE.
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation:19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.20 We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf:
Be reconciled to God.
Be reconciled to God.
:2 Corinthians:
His Truth
it's all yours God
rewind time
love me.
heard this on the way to work today.
walked into the office all red.eyed.
it's beyond beautiful.
i would suggest hitting play and then minimizing the window to JUST hear the lyrics.
Sometimes I find the videos distracting.
hope you enjoy it as much as i do:
surely hit my heart.
walked into the office all red.eyed.
it's beyond beautiful.
i would suggest hitting play and then minimizing the window to JUST hear the lyrics.
Sometimes I find the videos distracting.
hope you enjoy it as much as i do:
surely hit my heart.
His Truth
I Love Your Presence
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