I have five or six drafted posts rolling around in my head.
Among the millions .. .thousands.. ok FINE . hundreds of things I do during the day,
I find that I am "writing" while I'm driving or in the shower.
When it comes to actually publishing though, many times it never comes to fruition until weeks later.
i need to get a handle on this somehow.
nonetheless, long story short.
short story long ___
let me get to the point
"lessons from the day"
"day to day"
these are three tags that often come up for my posts. ..
today when I watched this video of my dad and i from a few weeks ago, i was thinking how my mom would definitely be tagging it similarly.
"things that made me smile"
my dad and i had an impromptu photo.shoot out in the front yard of all the flowers my mom had planted years and years ago.
my favorites of course, you will recognize from
a few posts back.
the best part, of course, is my dad laughing.
these are the best moments, hearing him like that.
she is indeed smiling.
i can feel it.